
Jindal: Obama Is Responsible For Syrian Refugee Crisis

Neal Earley Contributor
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WASHINGTON — With the refugee crisis overwhelming European leaders, Republican presidential hopeful and Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal blamed the ongoing problem on President Obama.

After branding Donald Trump as a, “narcissist” and “an egomaniac” in prepared remarks, Thursday at the National Press Club, Jindal pivoted his attacks to the President when the topic turned to that of foreign policy.

During the question and answer section of the event, the Louisiana governor said he would not support the Untied States taking in more refugees who are fleeing war-torn Syria, Afghanistan and Libya.

“The reason I say that we shouldn’t be taking in more people today… because that’s trying to put a Band-Aid on a very, very serious problem,” he said.

As it was announced Thursday that the United State would take in at least 10,000 refugees, Jindal called the United States the most compassionate nation in the world and said he did not want to undercut the U.S.’s current refugee program.

“The reason we have this refugee crisis today is absolutely – you can draw a straight line back to this president’s failed policies,” Jindal said.

The Louisiana governor cited President Obama’s failure to enforce his red-line that he placed on Syrian President Bashar al- Assad, that was meant to force the dictator from using chemical weapons.

Jindal continued, placing the blame of the rise of ISIS on Obama, saying that he would confer with American military strategist to come up with a “realistic game plan”.

He said that he wants President Obama to take the ban off of ground troops and the three-year deadline out of the authorization of the use of military force. Continuing, Jindal said he wants to the U.S. to train and arm Kurdish forces that are fighting the terrorist group.

Ultimately Jindal his strategy is destroy ISIS ability to hold land and build their caliphate in contrast to the President’s remarks about defeating ISIS not only with a military strategy but also with, “better ideas”.

In response, Jindal slammed the president.

“If Patton and Eisenhower had said that in World War Two, the French would be speaking German today,” he said.