
Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Paid $9,000 For Music Consultants

Derek Hunter Contributor
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Music is an important part of a political campaign. The right music can set the tone at campaign events and rallies. After nearly every announcement, Republican campaigns are inundated by news stories about how musician’s don’t approve of their song being used by candidate X. With the liberal bent in the music industry, it’s a rite of passage for anyone in the GOP. Democrats don’t have that problem.

It turns out Democrats, at least the leading Democrat in the race for that party’s presidential nomination, went a step further in her choice of music.

Soon after Hillary Rodham Clinton officially launched her campaign, her campaign launched an official playlist. The 67-year-old candidate’s playlist included from her generation’s music, opting for contemporary artists and songs to appeal to younger voters. As it turns out, the music the Clinton campaign is using didn’t come from the campaign, it came from a consultant firm in Oregon.

National Journal reports:

Hil­lary Clin­ton’s cam­paign paid $9,000 to en­list the aid of a boutique mu­sic agency based in Port­land, Ore­gon, re­cords from the Fed­er­al Elec­tion Com­mis­sion show. Bill­board re­por­ted that the agency “has been tasked with mu­sic su­per­vi­sion and cre­at­ive sup­port” for a series of Clin­ton cam­paign videos, in­clud­ing the video that launched Clin­ton’s 2016 bid. (A spokes­per­son for the mu­sic agency said the firm is “ex­cited about our re­la­tion­ship with the Hil­lary cam­paign” but ad­ded that an in­ter­view would not be pos­sible due to a nondis­clos­ure agree­ment. The Clin­ton cam­paign de­clined to com­ment.)