
Ben Carson’s Campaign Finds Creative Ways To Use Hillary Clinton’s Book [Video]

Heather Hunter Contributor
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Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sent copies of her book “Hard Choices” this week to her Republican rivals in an effort to encourage them to read about her accomplishments.

Republican candidate Ben Carson’s campaign released a video Friday with creative ways to use her book around the office.

The “Thanks Hillary” video shows various campaign staffers using the former first lady’s book as a table coaster, computer stand, step stool, door stopper and workout weight.

Other Republican candidates added their own snarky responses to her book delivery:

  • Sen. Rand Paul put her book up for auction on Ebay.
  • Carly Fiorina’s campaign told ABC News: “Sending a book isn’t an accomplishment. It’s an activity.”
  • Sens. Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz offered to send her their recent books.
  • Gov. John Kasich’s campaign was surprised the Clinton campaign addressed the books to the wrong governor — the former governor of Ohio.

  • Governor Bobby Jindal tweeted that he would read her book on the condition that she watched the Planned Parenthood videos.