MANASSAS, Va. — During a packed Wednesday night rally only a few miles outside of Washington D.C., Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump suggested that if he were elected president, he might be willing to use executive orders to “unsign” policies enacted by President Obama.
In response to an audience member’s question on what a President Trump would do in his first days in office, the real estate mogul said he would like to “knock the hell” out of Obama’s signature legislation.
“In the first 100 days, we’re going to knock the hell out of Obamacare,” Trump declared to his audience’s approval. “You know the great thing about executive orders is that I don’t have to go back to Congress. I just sit down… and I will be unsigning many, maybe not all. Maybe there’s a couple of good ones [Obama policies], I don’t know, I doubt it.”
“But we’re going to be unsigning a lot of executive orders, especially his [Obama’s] order that basically lets anybody they want just pour into our country. That’s going to end,” the billionaire added.
The order he’s referencing is Obama’s much-contested November 2014 executive order that granted legal status to five million illegal immigrants. Many legal experts considered the president’s act unconstitutional and the courts have blocked its implementation. (RELATED: Appeals Court Upholds Injunction Against Obama’s Amnesty)
Trump continued explaining what he would like to do upon first assuming the power of the presidency. “We’re going to start immediately working on Social Security. Immediately working on Medicare so that we really make it strong. We’re going to bring great things back to this country. You’re going to be so proud of me.”
The GOP front-runner spoke before a crowd of over thousand people gathered at the Prince William County Fairgrounds on a dreary night. The audience included a surprisingly large number of young people, some of whom were still in high school.
But not all attendees were Trump supporters. Nearly 100 protesters showed up at the event and, according to local news outlet WTOP, included members of NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia and immigration advocacy group CASA In Action. At least one protester was escorted out of the building by security before Trump was introduced, and other demonstrators attempted to disrupt the presidential candidate midway through his speech with a “Dump Trump” chant.
Besides discussing what he would do in his first 100 days in office, Trump tackled the usual subjects of illegal immigration, China and colorful insults for his Republican rivals. For example, the mogul dubbed Jeb Bush “The Sleepmaster” for giving “low-energy” speeches.