
Growing Chorus Call For Carly Fiorina To Be Allowed Into ABC Debate Saturday

Steve Guest Media Reporter
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A growing chorus of people have called on ABC to allow Carly Fiorina a spot in the Republican debate Saturday

According to the released debate criteria, Fiorina does not currently qualify for the debate despite doing better than Chris Christie and John Kasich in the Iowa caucus. Fiorina also has the same delegate count as Jeb Bush. In order to be allowed on the debate stage the candidates must either, finish in the top three in the Iowa caucus, be in the top six in national polls, or poll among the top six in New Hampshire.

However, Mitt Romney, Sen. [crscore]Ben Sasse[/crscore], Newt Gingrich, Sen. [crscore]Kelly Ayotte[/crscore], Joe Scarborough are among the people who have called on ABC to allow Fiorina debate.

On the Hugh Hewitt Show on Wednesday, Fiorina made her own case for being included in the GOP debate.”The media doesn’t get to decide, although the media has been trying to decide all along. The media has been telling people how this race was going to go. The media has been trying to say it’s a two person race, it’s a three person race. The media has gotten a lot of things wrong.”

“And meanwhile, we haven’t had a single primary. We just had the first caucus, and we exceeded expectations once again. Now we’re going into the primary. I think voters need to hear from the eight people who are left, because eight people have dropped,” Fiorina said. “And when I started this race, I was 17 out of 16. Nobody polled my name. Four percent of voters had heard of me. And I have outlasted Perry, Jindal, Walker, Pataki, Huckabee, Graham, Santorum, the list goes on. I’ve earned my place on this debate stage, but sadly, it’s not the first time I’ve had to fight for my earned place on the debate stage.”


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