
Will There Be No Choice But Tyranny Come November?

Alan Keyes Former Assistant Secretary of State
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In the run up to the New Hampshire GOP primary, Jeb Bush claimed that John Kasich was no conservative. Kasich responded with a litany aimed at proving how effective he used government power as governor. Days before the New Hampshire primary Donald Trump declared his admiration for the government controlled, single payer, socialist health care schemes that now ration care to the inhabitants of Great Britain and Canada. In response to a question from a lesbian publisher, he affirm that people can “look for more forward motion on equality for gays and lesbians under a Trump Presidency. Yet “conservatives” like Phyllis Schlafly endorse him as the great hope for America. 

Jeb Bush is still touted as a conservative, even though he was content to let Terry Schiavo fall prey to judicial murder, contrary to the Florida Constitution’s declaration that all Florida citizens “are equal before the law and have inalienable rights, among which are the right to enjoy and defend life.” Carly Fiorina is touted as a conservative, despite her decidedly equivocal record on respect for the unalienable right to life her. Ben Carson is supposedly a conservative, despite his embrace of the Constitution killing notion that anti-Constitutional Supreme Court decisions like Obergefell are the “law of the land”, and his view that pragmatism takes precedence over respect for America’s founding principles when it comes to endorsing political candidates. Ted Cruz is promoted as a conservative, despite his persistent refusal to champion and apply the logic of God-endowed right that upholds the basis for the constitutional self-government of the American people; and his refusal to give top priority to the greatest present challenge to the just character of the American people, and the Constitution that cannot be sustained without that character.

And so forth, and so on. Apparently in today’s GOP there is not a single non-negotiable position when it comes to our liberty as a people and our identity as a nation. But if, as a people our liberty perishes; if as a nation we surrender the premises of right and justice that define our common sense of right and wrong, what precisely is left of the common good? What precisely is left of the sovereignty and rights, including liberty itself, in the defense of which people throughout our history have risked and given their lives? 

If there’s nothing for which we will “fall on our sword,” then there’s nothing for which we will draw the sword, willing to fight for right no matter what the sacrifice involved. Isn’t this lack of good will precisely why we sit back while our borders crumble; barely fight back as terrorist brutes violate every premise of human decency for the sake of their false god; and while elitists surrender every facet of our strength and prosperity for the sake of their idolatry of money and power?

People rightly believe that the quisling leadership of the GOP has betrayed all the things for which the Party is supposed to stand. Yet, pathetically, they are left to find their hope in a false figurehead like Donald Trump, whose ambition driven rhetoric on every issue of importance (including immigration and border security, the nature of marriage and the unalienable right to life) is directly contradicted by the tenor of his whole life.

What if Donald Trump continues his march toward the GOP nomination, fueled by the lie that he is an “outsider” who stands against the betrayals of the GOP quislings? The day will soon come when self-professed conservatives will be asked to support him as the “lesser of evils”, even though the evil of dictatorial socialist government he represents is in fact not one whit different from that of the Clintons, whom he befriended and supported before embarking on his present scheme to con and betray GOP conservatives. Trump plays on the angry and resentful grassroots reaction against betrayal by the very elitist faction establishment to which he has given a lifetime of loyal service.

A friend of mine recently posted an image on Facebook that succinctly illustrates the choice between one brand of tyrant and another, which the elitist faction Parties seem poised to offer American voters this coming November. Screen Shot 2016-02-11 at 10.55.43 AM

This Facebook post speaks to the choice between the centralized, totalitarian government tyranny of Napoleonic populism, atrociously epitomized by the Nazi regime of the last century, and the centralized, totalitarian government tyranny of the Leninist/Stalinist communist “republics,” epitomized by the Party dictatorships of China and the erstwhile Soviet Union.

People like Phyllis Schlafly have again and again embraced the lesser of evils fallacy when it comes to nominees who epitomize the GOP’s record of national betrayal. When will they admit that their willingness to do so has allowed America’s spectrum of political choices to be pulled so far in the wrong direction that no true standard of conservatism is any longer in sight. Our choices are evil and greater evil: a political version of “dumb and dumber” that leaves America’s rightful liberty smarting from death blows that damage the character of the American people and the integrity of their Constitutional republic.

Are there any thinking conservatives left? Are there any who understand what we are to conserve; from the principles and logic of the American Declaration of Independence to the sovereignty and representative self-government of the America people; from the republican character of American government, to the courageous and enterprising spirit of individuals, forming free associations to produce and maintain America’s material strength? Without that strength, how are Americans of goodwill to maintain the political strength required to make sure that securing the exercise of God-endowed rights remains the purpose and aim of our Constitutional self-government?

Conservatives sincerely committed to conserving these precious goods need to disentangle themselves from the twin-party sham. They need to study the Constitution’s provisions for the election of President and Vice-President. By doing so they will gain the ability to see the present elitist faction sham Party system for what it is — a Constitution-subverting mask for oligarchic tyranny. Behind that mask are the names of people pledged to act treacherously on behalf of elitist forces who mean to betray and overthrow the God-endowed sovereignty of people.

Instead of accepting this charade, we need to do the work that is necessary to focus our political activity on the general election the Constitution envisages, in order that we may compose slates of candidates for presidential elector from amongst people in our own states and political division, electors we trust to represent the principles, priorities and policies that actually uphold our God-endowed unalienable rights, including both the obligations of liberty and the decent freedom it entails. Such electors are the means our Constitution provides for choosing a President and Vice-President dedicated, as all our elected officials should be, to conserving the unalienable rights we are supposed, by God’s authority, responsibly to exercise, enjoy and pass on to our posterity.