DC Trawler

Eagles Of Death Metal Singer Jesse Hughes: ‘Until Nobody Has Guns, Everybody Has To Have Them’

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Jesse Hughes, leader of the rock band Eagles of Death Metal, was almost murdered in the Paris terror attack last November. Muslim terrorists opened fire during the band’s concert at the Bataclan theater, killing 90 people. Tonight the band is returning to that venue, fulfilling what Hughes calls “a sacred responsibility to finish this show.”

Yesterday Hughes was interviewed about the concert for France’s iTélé news network:

L'invité de Laurence Ferrari du 15/02/2016 by ITELE

Visibly shaken and distraught, Hughes expressed his gratitude for all the love and support the band has gotten. He said he hopes his friends and fans who were there that awful night can come back again to see him play, but he understands if they can’t. He raged at the “scumbags” who murdered all those people, and vowed never to let hatemongers like that tell him what to do. He said he hopes that playing his music for the people who want to hear it will help everyone deal with the pain. He said that by standing together and supporting each other, they could “destroy the f***in’ bad guys.”

But nobody wants to talk about that. They want to talk about his answer when he was asked if surviving a terror attack has changed his opinion about gun control:

“Gun control kind of doesn’t have anything to do with it. But if you want to bring it up, I’ll ask you: Did your French gun control stop a single f***ing person from dying at the Bataclan? And if anyone can answer yes, I’d like to hear it, because I don’t think so. I think the only thing that stopped it was some of the bravest men that I’ve ever seen in my life charging head-first into the face of death with their firearms. I know people will disagree with me, but it just seems like God made men and women, and that night guns made them equal. And I hate it that it’s that way. I think the only way that my mind has been changed is maybe that until nobody has guns, everybody has to have them. Because I’ve never seen anyone that’s ever had one dead, and I want everyone to have access to them, and I saw people die that maybe could have lived, I don’t know. But I wish I knew for sure that they had a better chance, because there were some real angels, real wonderful people at that show who aren’t alive today. And I really wish they were, because their loss is so much greater than the scumbags who took themselves out as cowards.”

Well, that won’t do, will it? If everybody had a gun, the murder rate would skyrocket. Everybody would just go around shooting each other. More guns = more gun crime. (That’s why the White House is a gun-free zone.) The Paris attack happened in spite of France’s strict gun laws, right?

You don’t have to agree with Jesse Hughes, but I hope you don’t dismiss him. Unless you’ve survived a terror attack, you don’t know what he’s going through. I know I don’t. And I don’t know if I’d ever be able to get back up on a stage where I was almost butchered by Muslim terrorist bastards. He insists he’s not being brave, but I respectfully disagree.

I’ve been a fan of EODM since Peace, Love, Death Metal. I’m glad we’ve got people like Jesse Hughes in the world. I hate the malignant filth who killed all those people and tried to kill him, and I’m glad he’s standing up for the freedom to rock. The freedom to fight back.

God bless J Devil.