Rush Limbaugh says Donald Trump didn’t disavow the Ku Klux Klan during an interview Sunday because Trump “doesn’t want to tick off anybody that might vote for him.”
During Monday’s “The Rush Limbaugh Show,” Limbaugh suggested, “[T]here has to be a reason that Trump, on the actual show with Jake Tapper, hems and haws and acts like he doesn’t know who Duke is and the Klan and ‘Well, I need to investigate. I never heard of the group. You need to send me a list.'” (RELATED: Trump Refuses To Condemn David Duke, The KKK And ‘White Supremacist’ Supporters [VIDEO])
Limbaugh pondered out loud, “Let me throw a theory out there to you. The Sunday shows have, amazingly still, their own separate and distinct stature. What is said on a Sunday show is treated differently and may be different in terms of its weight than what is said in a little sound bite that’s part of the nightly news, for example, or part of a guest appearance on a cable news show during the evening. A Sunday show, that’s stature, by reputation.” (RELATED: Trump’s Excuse For Not Disavowing KKK: ‘I Had A Lousy Earpiece’ [VIDEO])
“A Sunday show is serious, no fooling around. It’s like ‘for the record,’ what you say on the Sunday show. And it could well be that Trump thinks of it that way and just didn’t want the quote, did not want any sound bite from the Sunday show one way or the other because maybe Trump’s nervous,” Limbaugh said. “Maybe [Trump’s] nervous after that debate. Maybe he’s worried. The polls don’t indicate it. Maybe he’s worried that Cruz and Rubio are gaining on him, and he doesn’t want to tick off anybody that might vote for him.”
“Hey, my speculation’s as good as anybody else’s, because I can think of no reason that he would purposely dodge, when he’s not dodged it before. I think about it being on a Sunday show, and that having more weight, more stature, something about it being these Sunday shows are TV shows of record, as opposed to your average cable news show, which happens every day or every night.”