
David Axelrod: Georgia Voters Are Poor And Dumb, And That’s Why Trump Won [VIDEO]

Christian Datoc Senior White House Correspondent
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During CNN’s Super Tuesday coverage, David Axelrod implied that Georgia voters are poor and dumb, resulting in Donald Trump’s primary victory in the state.

“You know, the thing that interests me,” the former Obama advisor told CNN’s Anderson Cooper, “we’ve just discussed Virginia and how Trump has won Georgia.” (RELATED: Trump Wins GA Republican Primary)

“When you look at the difference between these states, it really is a difference in income and education,” he continued. “Georgia has more of the downscale vote. Trump has done better there. Rubio has been trying to appeal to upscale, highly educated voters, such as those you find in northern Virginia. He apparently is in the hunt to win or come close to winning a state tonight, and that’s the pattern that I think this race is going to follow.”

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