ARLINGTON, Va. – Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich appeared at a John Kasich rally to support a man he refers to as his “little brother.”
He did have kind words for the Ohio governor, saying, “he balanced the budget while I was speaker. He’s the only guy in your lifetime to have balanced the federal budget. He’s an extraordinary good governor of Ohio, and he was right here in our neighborhood so we thought we ought to come here and show how much we like him.”
He wouldn’t say he’s endorsing Kasich, saying, “I will endorse the nominee.”
Gingrich also commented on Sen. [crscore]Marco Rubio[/crscore], who recently insinuated Trump has wet his pants and has hilariously small fingers.
“I suspect it will hurt Rubio. Rubio is not an attack dog. Christie is an attack dog and Christie knows how to do it, Rubio doesn’t.”
The former speaker added, “I think Rubio ends up looking silly.”
While Gingrich believes, “Trump is a phenomenon, nothing like anything we’ve seen in our lifetimes.” He does think Kasich could win in Ohio, pointing out the governor picked up “86 out of 88 counties.”
He thinks attacking Trump negatively isn’t an effective route: “I think Donald Trump is like the grizzly in ‘The Revenant,’ if you attack him he gets bigger and he gets meaner.”
He gave predictions for the results of Super Tuesday: “[Trump] won’t sweep them, I think Cruz will win Texas, Cruz or Rubio could win Oklahoma, Cruz could win Arkansas and Cruz or Rubio could win Minnesota.”
Gingrich continued, “which will still leave Trump with an overwhelming majority.”
While Sen. Ben Sasse has recently said he would not support a Trump nomination and other Republicans such as Mel Martinez have spoken ill of the New York real estate developer, Gingrich said this is not the attitude Republicans should have.
He told reporters, “I believe when you’re faced with a choice between a Clinton corruption appointing radical judges with a disastrous foreign policy, that it is very hard for any serious Republican to say they are not going to support the nominee.”
Gingrich has been previously floated as possible vice presidential pick for Donald Trump.
Asked about his chances in that role, he told The Daily Caller, “I think that’s never going to happen, so don’t worry about it. “