
Ryan Warns Trump: Nominee Must Disavow Bigoted Groups [VIDEO]

Steve Guest Media Reporter
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House Speaker [crscore]Paul Ryan[/crscore] warned Donald Trump that the nominee of the Republican Party “must reject any group or cause that is built on bigotry.”

“When I see something that runs counter to who we are as a party and a country, I will speak up,” Ryan said during his Tuesday press conference. “So today, I want to be very clear about something. If a person wants to be the nominee of the Republican Party, there can be no evasion and no games. They must reject any group or cause that is built on bigotry.”

Ryan said the Republican Party “does not prey on people’s prejudices. We appeal to their highest ideals. This is the party of Lincoln. We believe all people are created equal in the eyes of God and our government. This is fundamental.”” (VIDEO: Trump’s Excuse For Not Disavowing KKK: ‘I Had A Lousy Earpiece’)

He later added, “And if someone wants to be our nominee, they must understand this. I hope this is the last time I need to speak out on this race. It’s time we get back to focusing on how, very specifically, how we’re going to get to solving the many problems that American families are facing after seven years of Barack Obama. For now, I’ll just leave it at that.”

After disavowing the support of former KKK grand wizard David Duke Friday, Trump declined to condemn Duke on Sunday, claiming that he didn’t know enough about Duke to comment.

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