Fox News’s Greta Van Susteren is striking back after a Washington Examiner media reporter accused her of being cozy with Donald Trump.
Greta wasn’t having it.
“What are you drinking?” she asked T. Becket Adams, who believes a personal friendship with The Donald was the reason that Van Susteren has discounted the “simple battery” charge against Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowksi.
A Palm Beach State Attorney officially dropped those charges Thursday and will not prosecute him for an alleged physical skirmish Lewandowski had with then-Brietbart News reporter Michelle Fields.
The Mirror requested comment from Adams on why he believes Van Susteren is close with Trump.
Van Susteren has not budged on her opinion about this incident. When the war between Fields and Lewandowksi first broke out, the Fox News anchor refused to take any of it seriously.
While many online — including many reporters and especially those who despise Trump’s candidacy — took a hardline stance against Lewandowski, Van Susteren did not.
“Sometimes tempers flare, and regrettable things happen, but we should not make this an international crisis and it is not a First Amendment crisis,” she wrote on her blog, as reported by the Washington Examiner. “It is a flap we should all get over.”
On Wednesday night, after Van Susteren instructed Fields not to sue Lewandowski for defamation, Fields called her a “shill” for Trump.
The story has always been divisive. But today even more so as WaPo‘s Callum Borchers says that Fields risks “veering off the high road” by going after Greta. Borchers covers the intersection of politics and the media.