Target said transgender people may use whichever bathroom they please when they are in one of its stores.
In a statement posted on the company’s website Tuesday, the retail giant said its customers can use the bathroom or fitting room that matches the gender they identify with. (RELATED: Tracy Morgan Cancels Performance In Mississippi Over Religious Freedom Law)
“Inclusivity is a core belief at Target,” the statement read. “Most relevant for the conversations currently underway, we welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity.”
“Given the specific questions these legislative proposals raised about how we manage our fitting rooms and restrooms, we felt it was important to state our position.”
The store said it was committed to “equality and equity.”
With the statement, Target is wading into a national debate about whether states and schools should allow transgender individuals to use the restroom that matches what they “identify with” as opposed to the gender on their birth certificate. (RELATED: These Celebrities Want To Punish Conservative States)