
Trump: ‘I’ll Have To Get Used To’ Hillary’s Shouting [VIDEO]

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Steve Guest Media Reporter
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Donald Trump said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that he’ll “have to get used to” Hillary Clinton shouting “over the next four or five months.”

Clinton said Tuesday, “The other day, Mr. Trump accused me of playing the, quote, ‘woman card.’ Well, if fighting for for women’s health care and paid family leave and equal pay is playing the women’s card, then deal me in.” (VIDEO: Hillary Boasts About Playing The Woman Card: ‘Deal Me In’)

Host Mika Brzezinski argued, “I would think she’s incredibly strong on those issues.” (VIDEO: Trump: The Only Thing Hillary’s Got Is The ‘Woman Card’)

Trump replied, “Well, I haven’t quite recovered — it’s early in the morning — from her shouting that message.”

“And I know a lot of people would say you can’t say that about a woman, because of course a woman doesn’t shout. But the way she shouted that message was not — eww — that’s the way she said it, and I guess I’ll have to get used to a lot of that over the next four or five months,” Trump argued. (VIDEO: Trump: If Hillary Were A Man ‘I Don’t Think She’d Get Five Percent Of The Vote’)

Brzezinski replied, “Well, what about issue pertaining to women she discussed including equal pay and right to choose?” Trump Sweeps Northeastern Primaries

“Well, we’re going to do very well. We’re going to do very well with Hillary and women as soon as we start our process against her,” Trump claimed. “We’re going to do very well. I don’t even know if it’s going to be Hillary. I mean we’re all waiting to find out what happens with the email scandal. I don’t know what’s going on with the email scandal. It’s taking longer and longer. She’s guilty. Everybody knows she’s guilty, but they don’t want to go after her. It’s going to be an interesting thing, but she’s got a problem. Because people that did far less are sitting in jail cells.”

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