FBI On Orlando Terrorist Attack: Unedited Transcript ‘Might Inflame Other People’ [VIDEO]

Steve Guest Media Reporter
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UPDATE: The FBI has reversed course and released the full transcript of the 911 phone call between police and the Orlando terrorist, Omar Mateen.

FBI Special Agent in Charge Ronald Hopper said Monday if the full, unedited transcript of the conversations Orlando shooter Omar Mateen had with the police were released, it would “only inflame other people here that might be like-minded.”

“Part of the redacting is meant to not give credence to individuals who have done terrorist acts in the past,” Hopper said during a press conference in Orlando. (RELATED: Lynch: Feds Will Censor Orlando Terrorist Call Transcripts To Omit ISIS Pledges)

Ron Hopper, Screen Grab CNN, 6-20-2016

Ron Hopper, Screen Grab CNN, 6-20-2016

“We’re not going to propagate their rhetoric, their violent rhetoric, and we see no value in putting those individuals’ names back out there,” he said. “We’re trying to prevent these acts from happening again, and for cowards like this one, people like that influence them, so we’re not going to continue to put their names out front.”

Later in the press conference, Hopper said, “We’re not going to propagate violent rhetoric that comes from other people, whether they be here or overseas, and to do that would only inflame other people here that might be like-minded.” (RELATED: Giuliani: Obama’s ‘Denial’ Of Radical Islam Will Lead To ‘More Attacks’)

“There’s no purpose in doing that,” Hopper claimed.

Here is an example of the redacted transcript:

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