The Mirror

Separated At Birth: Politico Playbook’s Daniel Lippman

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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Washington’s former professional fact checker-at-large Daniel Lippman is bursting into the big leagues with his assisting role in the revamped Politico Playbook alongside Jake Sherman and Anna Palmer.

So who better to feature for Separated at Birth? (We’ll get to Jake and Anna at a later date.)

In his new role, Lippman is going to need to be multiple places at once.

Here are his doppelgängers who may agree to help him out.

(Lippman can be seen in the middle. To his left is Ron and Sarah Bonjean Xmas party guest Gary Busey. To his right is Uncle Fester. If Lippman lets Busey help him, beware of the actor’s penchant for party bra snapping.)
