Marc Lamont Hill: Black People Can’t Be Racist [VIDEO]

Steve Guest Media Reporter
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CNN political commentator Marc Lamont Hill argued on Monday that black people cannot be racist and that the “moral failure of gun culture” needs to be changed.

Appearing on CNN Newsroom, Hill said, “To say that the Black Lives Matter movement is racist is bizarre to me not just because black people don’t have the institutional power to be racist or to deploy racism, but because the movement has called for justice.”

According to Hill, Black Lives Matter has “called for demilitarization. It’s called for nonviolence. And because a few people enter that space and kind of colonize that space and do something other than what the movement is about, doesn’t mean the movement is wrong.” (RELATED: Black Lives Matter Protester Justifies Violence Against Police In MSNBC Interview)

“In the same way the Tea Party movement called for fiscal responsibility. But there are racists at the rallies. I’ve been to some Tea Party Rallies, there are racists there but I wouldn’t say the Tea Party is racist as such. I would say there are people who invaded and divert the movement and that’s what is happening here.”

Continuing to defend Black Lives Matter, Hill said: “to say it’s un-American, there’s nothing more American than expressing dissent. There’s nothing more American than saying we’re moving in the wrong direction.” (RELATED: Giuliani: ‘I Saved A Lot More Black Lives Than Black Lives Matter’ [VIDEO])

“Only when black people say the country’s moving in the wrong direction do they say it’s un-American,” Hill said. “When conservatives in the 80s and 90s said America is moving in the wrong direction, having a moral majority said we are having a moral failure as a nation. No one said, ‘Well, if you don’t like it, leave it.’ They said, ‘Okay, we’ll try to change it.'” (RELATED: White House Petition To ‘Formally Recognize BLM As A Terrorist Organization’ Picks Up Steam)

“So now here in America, we say there’s a moral failure of police violence. There’s a moral failure of police terrorism attacks. And there’s a moral failure of gun culture for all people. We need to change that.” (RELATED: Giuliani: The Real ‘Danger’ For Black People Isn’t Police [VIDEO])

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