The city of Seattle, which previously was in the news for holding “white fragility” workshops, is holding separate “racial equity” classes on September 21 and 22 designed to cater to specific racial groups.
On September 21, Seattle is hosting a workshop titled “Centering People of Color in the Racial Equity Movement,” led by diversity consultant Carmen Morgan. A day later, Morgan (who is black) is leading another class: “Becoming Effective White Allies by Supporting People of Color.”
While neither class outright bans certain races from attending, the city makes clear that potential participants are expected to self-segregate by race into one class or the other.
The “white allies” session, the city notes, “is aimed towards those who want to be more effective white allies by learning how they can better support people of color in working towards racial equity. White people have an important role in undoing racism in this country. There are specific strategies that they can take on to help create greater equity in how the movement advances forward.”
“This session will be most effective for white allies who already have an understanding of white privilege and are ready to partner more authentically with people of color,” the ad concludes.
The description for the “people of color” event sends a similar message.
“What do we people of color (POC) working towards racial equity need to help us feel supported, safe, and better able to be our full selves rather than token representatives of our race? How can we stay engaged in the movement and stay motivated against potential burn-out?” the description reads.
“Covering self-care techniques to strategies for POCs working in predominantly white organizations or running our own POC-led institutions, this workshop creates space for and prioritizes the needs of POCs.”
The two separate workshops cost an equal amount — $150/person.
As originally reported by The Daily Caller (and later picked up by other news organizations), Seattle previously sponsored workshops on “white fragility.”
The workshops focused on “the specific way that racism manifests through White Fragility.” The city defines white fragility as “the inability for white people to tolerate racial stress.”
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