While campaigning for Hillary Clinton in Philadelphia on Tuesday, President Barack Obama stated he has never been “more optimistic” about America’s future.
“In an election season, you will often hear crazy stuff,” he told the crowd. “But I’ve got to say this year we have been hearing a little bit more crazy than usual.”
“Having said that,” POTUS continued. “After almost two terms as your president, I am here to tell you I am more optimistic about our future than i have ever been.”
Obama proceeded to list off all of the achievements his administration has accomplished over the past two years.
“I have seen an America that, for all the challenges, for all the noise of the politics, still has the capacity to come together and do great things.”
We fought our way back from the first recession in 80 years. We turned around a declining economy. We helped our auto industry set new records. Our business created 15 million new jobs. Slashed our dependence on foreign oil. Doubled our production of clean energy. Made marriage equality a reality in all 50 states. We brought more of our troops home to their families. We delivered justice to Osama bin Laden. Through diplomacy rather than war we shut down Iran’s nuclear program. Opened a new chapter with the people of Cuba. Brought nearly 200 nations together around a climate agreement that could save this for our kids and grand kids. That’s what we have done.