DC Trawler

Could Donald Trump Cut Gov’t By 25% Overnight?

(Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

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(Ugh. Fake news site. Fake story. I fell for it. I stink.)

Of course not. Nobody can. Even if you speed-cloned Ronald Reagan by Nov. 8 and made a time-travelling Ben Franklin his running mate, it wouldn’t stop the untrammelled growth of government. But apparently, that’s the threat they want us to think we face if we elect Orange Julius Caesar.

ABC News:

According to a poll conducted by Government Business Council, one in four federal employees would consider leaving their job if Donald Trump is elected president…

A poll conducted by Government Business Council, Government Executive Media Group’s research arm showed 14 percent of government workers said they would definitely consider quitting if Trump wins the White House. Another 11 percent said they might consider it.

The other 75% don’t want to mess with a good thing. Do you have any idea how tough it is to fire a federal employee?

Of course, 0% of them actually will quit if he wins. They get the same automatic pay raises no matter who’s president. Trump’s not going to mess with that. He loves big government. He’s gonna take care of everybody. Just give him all the power.

Don’t worry, federal employees. No matter what happens, us taxpayers will keep you in your cushy pensioned jobs for at least four more years. This will keep going until it can’t keep going anymore.

Until then, enjoy the fruits of our labor.