Viewers who were watching the vice presidential debate Tuesday night quickly noticed Tim Kaine’s bizarre behavior.
As soon as the 90-minute debate kicked off in Farmvilla, Va., the senator from Virginia repeatedly interrupted Mike Pence after Elaine Quijano asked him questions.
Though the debate was expected to be dull, people on Twitter noted that Kaine looked “unhinged” and seemed “out of control.” (RELATED: People Can’t Stop Talking About Elaine Quijano At Tonight’s Vice Presidential Debate)
Cant watch the #VPDebate due to an out of control @timkaine and a ridiculously weak moderator #cnn turned channel
— Val Halla (@tradjety) October 5, 2016
@timkaine quit interrupting!!!!
— Carrie Ford (@SpiceandEllie) October 5, 2016
Can Tim Kaine shut up for once and quit interrupting? #VPDebate #
— All-American Drew (@opinionsamerica) October 5, 2016
Tim Kaine can’t stop interrupting! How DEPLORABLE! #VPDebate
— NameCannotBeBlank (@RoeCritch) October 5, 2016
Tim Kaine is worse than Trump when it comes to interrupting his opponent…
— Deplorable Sam (@SamErwin214) October 5, 2016
Tim Kaine keeps interrupting. Does he have the same temperament as Trump? #VPDebate
— Guillermo Guerrero (@Gmo7) October 5, 2016
Tim Kaine needs to stop interrupting. Very childlike. #VPdebate
— Andrew Piccirillo (@ahpiccirillo) October 5, 2016
Tim Kaine is such a prick. He acts like a child constantly interrupting Pence and getting upset if Pence says something while he’s talking.
— Nicole.Hartshorn (@Niiicko416) October 5, 2016
I NEED Tim Kaine to stop interrupting cus even though he’s making more sense than Pence, Pence is coming off as more focused/composed
— Body and Soul (@charissemarciaa) October 5, 2016
Who would’ve thought Tim Kaine would be worse than Donald Trump on interrupting #VPDebate
— Ken Duffy (@kenduffywabc) October 5, 2016
Wow. Is this lady going to check Tim Kaine or what? He’s interrupting Pence more than Trump.
— Maiden of the Spear (@peculiargurl) October 5, 2016
I wish Tim Kaine would stop interrupting.
— George4redsox (@george4redsox) October 5, 2016
Man Tim Kaine is trash. He won’t stop interrupting a thing. Pence is ending him.
— Trae Rick (@RickTrae) October 5, 2016
Tim Kaine needs to stay calm and stop interrupting Pence. #VPDebate
— Sonam Sheth (@sonamsays) October 5, 2016
Gov Tim Kaine aka INTERRUPTING COW lol God help us.
— VCBoston (@vcboston) October 5, 2016
Tim Kaine just keeps interrupting and really isn’t saying much.
— Cindy archulita (@archulita_cindy) October 5, 2016
#KaineMeltdown Why won’t the moderator stop Tim Kaine from interrupting Mike?
— RedSquare27 (@RedSquare27) October 5, 2016
Dude, Tim Kaine needs to stop shaking his head. And INTERRUPTING!!!!
— Emily DeArdo (@emdeardo) October 5, 2016
Why is Tim Kaine talking to the moderator instead of the viewer? Seems a bizarre misunderstanding of what is going on here.
— Frownes Van Zandt (@schmethan) October 5, 2016
This Dick’s eyebrows are crazy!!! He looks deranged! – My mom on Tim Kaine…
— Brendan T Muhlenkamp (@DockEllisNoNo) October 5, 2016
Tim Kaine is not stable. My god this man is insane, crazy as a chicken with its head cut off
— Trump Street Team FL (@ChatRevolve) October 5, 2016
I think Tim Kaine’s crazy eyebrow is winning this debate. Hands down.
— Maribel La Luz (@Maribellita) October 5, 2016
Tim Kaine “Crazy Eyes”
— Deplorable SC Girl (@carolinagirl63) October 5, 2016