Is Hillary Clinton’s Director of Communications Jennifer Palmieri right that Business Insider is right wing?
That’s what she asked in the latest WikiLeaks dump of emails from the inbox of Clinton’s top aide John Podesta.
“Philippe” is referring to Clinton’s longtime press aide Philippe Reines, who has a way of both antagonizing reporters and ingratiating himself as a source (think former Politico Playbook’s Mike Allen).
In another email where they’re trying to decipher the political leanings of Business Insider, they call Hunter Walker a “friendly.” He’s at Yahoo now, but was at Business Insider at the time of the email exchange.
The Clinton camp isn’t entirely wrong about Business Insider being right-wing. After all, they recently hired Oliver Darcy from Glenn Beck‘s TheBlaze.
Beck viciously despises Donald Trump, but his site — whatever is left of it — is right-leaning.