DC Trawler

Gloria Allred, A Nation Turns Its Lonely Eyes To You

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Let’s face it, this election is no fun for anybody. On one side, you’ve got a small group of unhinged zealots furiously backing their completely unacceptable candidate no matter what, and a whole bunch of other people who hate themselves for having to reluctantly go along with it. On the other side… well, same deal. But there’s one thing that brings all Americans together. There’s one thing we can all agree on. Black or white, Republican or Democrat, Muslim or Scientologist, every single one of us knows this in our hearts:

Gloria Allred is the worst.

J.D. Durkin, Mediaite:

Discrimination lawyer Gloria Allred moments ago released a statement saying that on Friday afternoon, she will appear at a press conference alongside yet another woman alleging sexual misconduct against Republican nominee Donald Trump.

If it turns out to be this woman, then this whole debacle will all be worth it:

I don’t care anymore. Just let this election be over. Flip a coin. Throw a dart blindfolded. Whatever. Someone just please end this nightmare.

P.S. Judge for yourself.

I believe this woman, and I’m sorry that she has now been exploited by two ghouls: Trump and Allred.

And I want to know where the executives at NBC were during all this. If this was as commonplace as NBC et al. are now claiming, are they really going to claim they didn’t know anything about it?