
Paula Jones Calls Megyn Kelly A ‘Nasty Heifer’ After Contentious Interview With Gingrich [VIDEO]

Derek Hunter Contributor
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Paula Jones, who settled a sexual harassment lawsuit against former President Bill Clinton for $850,000, said former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich “slammed” Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly during a contentious interview Tuesday.

The interview, which devolved into a shouting match over Kelly referring to Trump as a “sexual predator,” struck a nerve with Jones, who sided with Gingrich.


“Woohoo, he slammed this nasty heifer!” Jones said of Gingrich in a tweet she has since deleted but is screen captured below.

Screen capture from Twitter

Screen capture from Twitter

Jones immediately caught flak from Twitter users for calling Kelly a name.

Jones then launched another attack on Kelly, saying she only cares about Trump’s alleged victims.