
POLL: 74 Percent Of Hillary’s Own Supporters Admit The Media’s Totally Biased For Her

(Getty Images)

Christian Datoc Senior White House Correspondent
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The latest poll from USA Today shows Hillary Clinton opening up a national lead over Donald Trump, yet that same poll shows the American electorate probably isn’t buying it.

Of the 1,000 voters USA Today and Suffolk University surveyed over the past four days, 47 said they would vote for Clinton “if the election were today.”

38 percent said they would vote for Trump, while four percent selected Gary Johnson and two percent Jill Stein.

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump shake hands after speaking during the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner at the Waldorf Astoria on October 20, 2016 in New York City (Getty Images)

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump shake hands after speaking during the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner at the Waldorf Astoria on October 20, 2016 in New York City (Getty Images)

Nine percent of surveyed voters are still undecided.

(USA Today)

(USA Today)

Still, “by nearly 10-1,” USA Today’s surveyed voters stated it’s clear that the mainstream media, “including major newspapers and TV stations,” are overwhelmingly biased for Clinton.

82 percent of all Trump supporters — and an astounding 74 percent of Clinton’s — think media outlets are favoring the former secretary of state.

Furthermore, six in 10 Trump supporters and three in 10 Clinton supporters thought media outlets are secretly coordinating stories directly with the Democratic nominee, “rather than acting on [their] own accord.”

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