
NY Cops And Firemen Slam Clinton’s Planned ‘Victory’ Fireworks Display

Kerry Picket Political Reporter
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The Hillary Clinton campaign plans to kick off their victory party next Tuesday night 30 minutes after the poll close in New York with a fireworks display and police and firemen are wondering why.

According to the New York Post, the Fire Department of New York and New York City Police Department received notices that plans are in the works for a two minute fireworks show to launch from a barge in the Hudson River election night near the Jacob Javits Center, where Clinton plans to host her victory celebration.

The Post notes that Clinton’s fireworks plan was first proposed prior last week’s news that the FBI had reopened her private email server controversy.

Cops and firefighters appeared shocked by Clinton’s plan of a fireworks display.

“It’s a little presumptuous of her to plan on winning. I guess she put in for this before Friday,” an NYPD detective told The Post.

One firefighter wondered what would happen if a 2000 recount situation happened.

“So what’s she going to do, put the fireworks on ice?”

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