
Rachel Maddow Out Here Already Bringin’ Up A Florida Recount [VIDEO]

Christian Datoc Senior White House Correspondent
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Rachel Maddow didn’t “want to be the first person to bring” up the idea of a Florida recount, but she did just that during MSNBC’s Tuesday night election coverage.

“Donald Trump can still win this race if he wins Florida,” noted MSNBC’s Kasie Hunt. “A source close to the Trump war room, they say he is visiting his war room, and their emotions are hinged on the precinct by precinct results that they are getting in from Florida. It has been a dramatic shift from 7:00 when they were very pessimistic till now.”

“I don’t want to be the first person to bring this up, but I’m going to be the first to bring it up,” responded Maddow. “In states like Florida and a number of the other states right now that are too close to call, an automatic recount is triggered if it’s less than half a percent.”

“It’s important to know that because in Florida, if you don’t get within half a percent, you can’t even offer to pay to have another recount to which you would otherwise be legally entitled,” she continued. “So the percentage, the percentage really, really matters. even after the decimal point.”

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