
Mayor De Blasio Calls For More Anti-Trump Protests

REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton

Kerry Picket Political Reporter
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New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio called for more anti-Donald Trump protests that have tied up traffic and sucked up law enforcement resources in the city.

De Blasio, who recently launched his 2017 reelection bid, told New York’s Hot 97 radio Monday, following days of anti-Trump protests across the country, that demonstrations should continue specifically because the final popular vote count will be in Hillary Clinton’s favor so Trump does not have a mandate.

“We have to recognize that all over this country, the more disruption that’s caused peacefully … the more it will change the trajectory of things,” De Blasio said.

The New York mayor previously suggested he would fight Trump on any policy that would punish sanctuary cities, like New York and Los Angeles, and suggested the city’s database of over 850,000 New Yorkers who have a city municipal identification card could be erased on his orders.

IDNYC was brought forth to New York City in 2015 as free and official proof of identification. The ID could be gotten with little documentation, therefore making it available to the almost half million city residents who do not have legal immigration status. Revealing one’s immigration status is not required to receive the ID.

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