
The Washington Post Thinks Reporting On A Study That Shows Illegals Take Jobs Is Racist


Alex Pfeiffer White House Correspondent
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In order to not be considered a racist by The Washington Post you should probably avoid reporting on a study by a federal economist that reveals illegal immigrants take jobs.

This is made clear in the article “‘Can you name one white nationalist article at Breitbart?’ Challenge accepted!,” published Tuesday afternoon on the Post’s The Fix blog. The article was a response to a Breitbart editor who defended the publication from attacks that it supports racism Monday night by asking CNN’s Don Lemon if he can name one white nationalist article on the site. Breitbart has been under attack for allegedly being a white nationalist publication ever since the site’s former executive chairman Steve Bannon was named President-elect Donald Trump’s chief strategist on Sunday.

The Washington Post writer decided that “Federal Reserve: Illegal Immigrants Take Teenagers’ Summer Jobs” and “Americans First — National Think-Tank Briefs Media On Immigration’s Impact On America,” were two of a few stories that supported white nationalism. The first story quotes a part of the abstract of a2012 study by a Federal Reserve economist published in the Journal of Labor Economics.

It said: “the increase in the population of less educated immigrants has had a considerably more negative effect on employment outcomes for native youth than for native adults. At least two factors are at work: there is greater overlap between the jobs that youth and less educated adult immigrants traditionally do, and youth labor supply appears more responsive to immigration-induced wage changes.”

According to the Washington Post, writing about this “stokes” “resentment toward immigrants,” and thus must be white nationalist.

The journal article by Christopher L. Smith, currently principal economist at the Board of Governors of the Federal System, said, “The views in this article are solely my responsibility and should not be interpreted as reflecting the views of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System or any other persons associated with the Federal Reserve System.”

Breitbart is only guilty of a misleading headline by saying the study represents the Federal Reserve’s views.

The Post did not give a reason in the article for why the Breitbart report on a one-day seminar for media hosted by the Center for Immigration Studies, which advocates reduced immigration, supports white nationalism. The Washington Post has previously written an extensive profile on Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies.