DC Trawler

Biden Will Never Be President, But Check Out This Super-Sweet Medal

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Looks like you missed your last shot at the title, Joe. But here ya go. Here’s a bauble.

After today, the Presidential Medal of Freedom will have a new name: the Presidential Medal of Consolation After Deciding Not to Run Against Hillary.

Seriously, though, Joe has had a very important job over the past two terms. He’s kept Obama safe from assassins. That’s worth a medal, right?

I’m supposed to feel something about this, I guess? All our moral, ethical, and intellectual betters are in tears over it. But for me, it’s too late. The past 8 years have stripped me of any emotion toward these people, good or bad. They’ve told too many lies to us, and about us. They’ve lowered the bar for what’s considered “presidential” till it’s buried in the dirt. Now I just want them to go away.

Be careful what you wish for, right?