
Sweden Refuses To Find Statistics On Immigrant Crime

REUTERS/Johan Nilsson/TT News Agency

Justin Caruso Contributor
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While many governments collect exhaustive data of crime trends to measure public safety, Sweden refuses to disclose any statistics on crime committed by immigrants in the country.

The last time statistics on immigrant crime were collected in Sweden was over a decade ago in 2005.

During that time, there has been high levels of migration into Sweden, with hundreds of thousands of immigrants coming from Muslim countries like Iraq, Iran, Turkey and Somalia.

Sweden has one of the highest foreign-born populations in Europe, with 18.3 percent of Swedes being born in a different country as of 2016.

The lack of statistics make it difficult to make informed immigration policy.

However, other European countries’ experience with immigration, specifically from the Middle East, show generally higher rates of crime coming from Muslims. For instance, in France, it’s estimated that 70 percent of prisoners are Muslim, despite Muslims only being around 8 percent of the population.

In recent years, sexual assault has reportedly risen 70 percent in Sweden.

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Tags : sweden
Justin Caruso