A Democratic National Committee candidate forum showed a party united in one theme: white people need to shut up.
A white female chair hopeful ventured forth to state her very job was to keep to her fellow Caucasians in their proper place at the Monday night event.
“My job is to shut other white people down when they want to say, ‘oh, no, I’m not prejudiced; I’m a Democrat; I’m accepting,'” Sally Boynton Brown, Idaho Democratic Committee chairwoman and DNC chair candidate, declared. (RELATED: White Candidate For DNC Chair Says Her Job Will Be ‘To Shut Other White People Down’)
She further said that she would shut white people down when they try to interrupt minorities, make sure that they “get” their white privilege and encourage minorities to school Caucasians on all the important topics.
These anti-white comments appear remarkable to come from someone who hopes to lead a major political party — who also happens to be white herself. There’s still a lot of white people in America, and you need a substantial number of them to win elections. So adopting as your party message, “shut up and check your white privilege!” seems pretty counter-productive.
Then again, it’s par for the course for the modern Democratic Party. Other candidates for the chair position nodded along with Brown’s statements at the forum, showing their clear approval for what she was saying.
The leading candidate for to be the next leader of the DNC is Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, who once proposed for a black ethnostate to be carved out of America. The reason for this black nationalist dream was to get away from all those bad white people. (RELATED: Keith Ellison Once Proposed Making A Separate Country For Blacks)
Ellison also once said the Constitution is evidence of “a white racist conspiracy to subjugate other peoples.”
Shockingly, these comments have hardly hurt the Minnesota congressman among his fellow Democrats. When confronted by The Daily Caller on his comments, several Democratic lawmakers found nothing “objectionable” in Ellison’s black nationalist past. (RELATED: Black Congressmen Refuse To Condemn Ellison’s Past Proposal For A ‘Black State’)
The 2016 Democratic primary — which pitted two elderly whites against each other — at times resembled a competition as to who could bash Caucasians and check their privilege the most. Both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders admitted that they had white privilege and said that their fellow whites should own up to that trait.
Clinton and Sanders placed the blame for the woes of minority communities on “systemic racism” — the idea that America’s institutions are set up to favor whites and disenfranchise non-whites. They also lashed out at Donald Trump’s “white supremacy” and preyed upon the fears of minority voters that the man who won the election would take away their rights if he gained power.
While she was the party’s nominee, Clinton made similar (though not as egregious) comments to Brown’s groveling.
“I will call for white people, like myself, to put ourselves in the shoes of those African-American families, who fear every time their children go somewhere, who have to have the talk about … how to really protect themselves, when they are the ones who should be expecting protection from encounters with the police,” Clinton stated during a July 2016 CNN interview. “I’m going to be talking to white people. I think we are the ones who have to start listening to the legitimate cries that are coming from our African-American fellow citizens, and we have so much more to be done, and we have got to get about the business of doing it.”
The then-presidential candidate made those comments in response to a black nationalist murdering five police officers in Dallas, Texas. Even when whites are the victims of racially-motivated crimes, they are somehow still responsible for them, according to the wisdom of the new Democratic elite.
This condescending form of identity politics is obviously not going to help Democrats win back Rust Belt voters who pulled the lever for Trump. Moreover, it could potentially cause deep divisions within their own base. For instance, during the Women’s March last weekend, one viral image showed a major potential conflict that could burst out into the open.
“Don’t forget: white women voted for Trump” read the sign of a not-too pleased black woman while smiling white females took selfies of themselves in pussy hats in the background. It’s clear those white women didn’t vote for Trump, but they have to be lectured about it anyway due to their race, according to the woman who held the sign.
“I don’t think it’s a matter of white women becoming interested in our issues; I need them to recognize they are implicit or complicit benefactors of systems like white supremacy and patriarchy—and that’s a problem,” Angela Peoples, the sign holder, told The Root.
Nobody likes to be belittled for something they didn’t do and have no control over. How the mostly white women marchers will feel about being told to go to the back of the Democratic bus is yet to be determined, but it’s likely some will not be too happy with that idea.
If one thing is clear from recent events, it’s that the Democratic Party’s one unifying message is telling white people to shut up — the opinions of non-whites matter more than yours.
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