
Paul Ryan: Tax Reform is ON SCHEDULE [VIDEO]

Ian Mason Contributor
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House Speaker Paul Ryan discussed plans for accomplishing tax reform this year during a Wednesday interview on “Morning Joe.”


“We haven’t done tax reform since the year I got my driver’s license, so it’s been a long time. It’s high time we do it,” Ryan told host Joe Scarborough, “We have a timeline for doing this and we haven’t changed our timeline at all. We are actually on schedule.”

Explaining the sequence of GOP legislative efforts, Ryan noted, “We have to do Obamacare first, in our first budget, and the reason we have to do it first is the law is collapsing so fast.” “In the second budget, you need budget to do tax reform, our spring budget, that’s where we do tax reform.”

Ryan was upbeat about the potential pace of the Republican legislative agenda and the ability of the Congressional GOP to make multiple legislative achievements. “That is what our plan for tax reform is, spring and summer is tax reform, winter and spring is Obamacare.”