“I find [pedophiles] to be disgusting, and I think my reporting on this speaks for itself.”
Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos came out strongly against allegations he supports pedophilia in a Facebook Live video on Monday that has since removed. This was his first video statement on the matter.
“I’ve exposed three pedophiles in my career,” he reminded viewers. These three were Nicholas “Sarah” Nyberg, Luke Bozier, and Chris Leydon.
He didn’t use the video to emphatically denounce pederasty. “In many young gay men… the first relationship they really have is with an older guy,” Yiannopoulos stated, and argued it could be emotionally fulfilling for young men with broken homes. He stopped short of praising the pedophiles who take advantage of young boys to form these relationships.
Most of his points were also expressed in a series of statements he’d made in the previous two days, but he also delineated exactly how the most widely circulated version of the controversial video included a bit edited to make him look like an anti-Semite. “I was talking about Jewish people are over-represented in media and banking. And I used the pronoun ‘we’ do indicate that I was Jewish… they cut the section with the pronoun[s] ‘our’ or ‘we.’ So it wasn’t clear to anyone who didn’t already know that I was Jewish and I was talking about my own people.”
In the original video these allegations are based on, Milo talked about his personal experience having sex with adults at a young age. “Pedophilia is a not a sexual attraction to somebody 13 years old who is sexually mature,” he said. However, Yiannopoulos stipulated that many boys that age would not be ready for sex with an adult.