When I was a boy, we worshipped the United Nations. I remember taking the subway with my fourth grade class from Brooklyn into Manhattan, where we observed the countries of the world as they carried out the lofty founding purpose of the UN: to maintain peace and foster cooperation between nations. My classmates and I admired the lucky bureaucrats who worked in the beautiful glass building on the East River.
Today I believe the UN has strayed from its original goals. In reaction, the US should defund the UN and kick their useless butts out of town. Let them set up shop in Riyadh and see how they like it. There are many reasons in support of what I am suggesting, but for now let’s stick to the two biggies: (1) The UN has become a pawn of the Islamic world; and (2) Self-serving UN bureaucrats are committed to a totalitarian globalist agenda that is diametrically opposed to US interests. Oh, I forgot a third reason: We can use the money.
Muslim states account for 18 of the 47 seats on the UN Human Rights Council. This Muslim bloc has been the driving force, says cnsnews.com, behind two key items on the Council’s agenda: the campaign for anti-blasphemy laws and condemnations of Israel. Now it seems they have the support of UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. Pamela Geller, author of Stop the Islamization of America, said Guterres “is a tool of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which has been running a years-long campaign against freedom of speech at the UN.” Guterreshas cited “Islamophobia” as the reason for increasing terrorism around the world. “One of the things that fuel terrorism,” said Guterres, “is the expression in some parts of the world of Islamophobic feelings and Islamophobic policies and Islamophobic hate speeches.”
WorldNetDaily argued that, “Guterres just gave a free pass to Islamic extremists to commit acts of terror throughout the world.” It’s a lot like blaming the victim, says Phillip Haney, author of See Something Say Nothing. “He’s giving them an out. If they’re not required to take any responsibility for their terrorism and can simply blame the Islamophobic Western world,” says Haney, “it’s only going to get worse.”
John Guandolo, a former FBI counter-terrorism expert, said Islamophobia is the term Muslim leaders use to identify people who are guilty of the Islamic blasphemy laws. “This gives us the cherry on top of the argument for shutting down the United Nations and sending them back to their respective countries,” Guandolo said. “It is an anti-American organization which is littered with spies and haters of liberty and justice.”
“Guterres is doing the bidding of Islamic jihadists and is advancing Islamic conquest by silencing truthful speech about Islam,” former Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann told WND. “No other religion enjoys such protection from criticism,” Bachmann said. “Ironically, no other religion in current times has advanced more violence, carnage and bloodshed than Islam and yet Islam’s gatekeepers demand their religion not be criticized. We need to recognize this is nothing more than a well-designed strategy to achieve Islamic conquest and the UN Secretary General is now the jihadist’s advocate.”
The other reason to dump the UN is the globalist agenda adopted by the left-wing bureaucrats on the banks of the East River. “The tin pot dictators at the UN are only interested in redistribution of wealth, population control, the buildup of megacities, and global governance under the UN aegis,” says canadafreepress.com. UN globalists are pushing for open borders, penalties to stop global warming, and the destruction of capitalism.
The hysteria about global warming, says Senator James Inhofe, has been fueled by the UN’s desire for global control. Global climate change policies, says Inhofe, would give the UN its own funding source and make it unaccountable to member nations. “The climate scare is not driven by climate scientists,” agrees British political commentator Christopher Monckton. “It’s not driven by any adverse circumstances in the world’s weather. It is driven by a totalitarian political ideology.” This ideology, says Monckton, is fostered by the unelected bureaucrats at the UN and EU. Ottmat Edenhofer, German economist and UN official, admitted that global warming is a fiction created to camouflage the real intent of the UN—to redistribute the world’s resources under the control of a totalitarian world government. “One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy,” argues Edenhofer. “Climate policy has almost nothing to do anymore with environmental protection. The next world climate summit is actually an economy summit during which the distribution of the world’s resources will be negotiated.”
Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the UN’s Framework Convention on Climate Change and the driving force behind the 2015 Paris Agreement, admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism. As reported in Investor’s Business Daily, Figueres said, “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.” In case you don’t understand what that means, UN bureaucrats—under the guise of responding to climate change—want to take what you have and give it to people in the less developed parts of the world.
Fox News reports that the US contributes approximately $
Ed Brodow is a negotiation expert, political commentator, and author of In Lies We Trust: How Politicians and the Media Are Deceiving the American Public.