Trey Gowdy told CBS “Face the Nation” host John Dickerson Sunday that he’s disappointed that Democrats aren’t “more outraged” over the unmasking of private citizens in relation to the investigation on Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.
“The incidental collection of U.S. persons happens,” the South Carolina Republican stated. “What I wish some of my friends on the other side would be a little more outraged about is the political use of that unmasking.”
“I understand we collect U.S. citizens,” he continued. “But we don’t read about those U.S. citizens on the front page of The New York Times and The Washington Post.”
“That, in addition to threatening these surveillance programs, is also a felony.”
“All of this is important, John, every bit of it,” Gowdy added. “The felonious dissemination of classified information is the only thing we know for sure is a crime, and it would be nice if we showed the same level of interest in that.”