Earth Day, set to be celebrated this Saturday, April 22nd, is now facing criticism from the left for being “too white.”
An article by Emily Atkin, published Thursday in New Republic, titled, “Earth Day Is Too White and Out of Touch With Reality,” argues that Earth Day is a hollow celebration that doesn’t properly address the concerns of minorities.
“For those who live with environmental problems every day–mostly low-income, minority, and indigenous populations in America and around the world–every day is Earth Day,” the article comments.
Atkin also adds that the holiday “focuses too much on making white people feel good about recycling and driving Pruises,” rather than, “helping those suffering from environmental injustice.”
Anthony Rogers-Wright, an activist quoted in the article, bizarrely refers to indigenous peoples as the “original guardians of the earth.”
There was also a concern about the “white supremacist roots” of the environmental movement, such as the involvement of “anti-immigration” groups like Federation for American Immigration Reform and NumbersUSA.