The Daily Vaper: There simply is no place on the Internet to find all the information a vaper needs when considering whether to buy a specific model. The Daily Vaper is a new series in which we share vape reviews found on YouTube. We give you everything you need t
Technology is continually changing in the vape world. This is apparent with the newest Smok mod. Smok’s GX2/4 mod is powered by 2x batteries or by 4x batteries. GX2/4 meets either demand. Being the smaller size among most 220W mods on the market today when using 2 batteries. Meanwhile, its power can upgrade to 350W via replacing the battery cover and using 4 batteries. This purchase comes as a kit including everything you need to use it, save batteries: GX2/4 Mod, 1x TFV8 Big Baby Tank, 1x Smok Band, 1x V8 Baby-Q2 0.4Ω Dual Coils (Pre-installed), 1x V8 Baby-T8 0.15Ω Octuple coils, 1x Replacement GX 2/4 Battery Cover, 1x USB Upgrade Cable and spare parts.
The Smok GX2/4 mod is so new that no reviews have been posted to YouTube yet. There is a slideshow below to view the kit and all of it’s components. Smok has many products on the market today and is widely popular for a variety of mods and tanks. They are one of the most trusted companies in the vape community.
Smok GX2/4 Kit on sale for $64.50
WATCH The Slideshow: