
Time to Break Out, Donald

REUTERS/Peter Nicholls

William Jurs Freelance Writer
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So some second generation Libyan, son of refugees, kills 22 odd actual Brits, many kids, with a nail bomb in Manchester.

Euro-American reaction? Twitter is fighting over how to ‘narrative’ it.

The ethno-masochists and shills paint the picture as “Not an immigrant-no, a gyn’wine Briton, see here, pure-born Saxon,” as if being a radical child of immigrants is somehow a better endorsement for open borders than a fresh off the boat machete-wielding radical.

The vocal majority narrative? “Please, dear please, let’s get control the flow of Muslim migrants, for the love of God, if only for practical self-preservation sake. Hell, even if merely to preserve hedonism, irreligiosity, feminism and transgenderism.” Capped with the now ubiquitous “Let that sink in.”

Ugh, the modern narrative wars.

While the last pope regales the first Trump… Trump is keeping fairly silent, greeted like a monarch among monarchs, amid sword dances, in places and fund sources out of which ISIS crawled and now croaks with bomb blasts wherever Russia makes some inroad somewhere. See the Philippines.

Anyone who knows demographic curves and exponential functions understands that even if western Europe seals its borders at some point in the next decade, it isn’t long before Islam, second, third or fourth generation, constitutes half the population, unless something changes.

Extrapolate the current per capita radicalization ratio to a 50/50 Muslim/native population split. Then, factor in added radicalism, added mutual acrimony, as natives and foreigners attack each other, the un-policeability of Islamic ghettos, and so on. You get the picture. Multiple daily or weekly attacks in European cities by mid-century. This isn’t rocket science.

Islam has the edge in terms of blatant brutality and highly networked communities. Europe has the advantage in terms of a cold, patient boiling over of animosity with a ruthless, industrial state-efficiency, backed by an opportunistic Russia, perhaps by 2050-something.

I caught a little testimony from Brennan on the 23rd, this political hack who can neither confirm nor deny anything about anything, but can imply plenty.

“Contacts and interactions” between Trump campaign people he couldn’t identify and nefarious Russians. More McCarthyism, without an actual Soviet threat.

Even if Trump himself had called Putin in 2015 and said “Please attack Hillary,” it’s not illegal. There is no crime to investigate.

Trump should push through all this noise with a proclamation of peace. He campaigned on it, why not deliver? He would lose the 20% Republican neocons, the Sasses, McCains, see here, Lindsey Grahams, those who Comey has God knows what dirt on, who are thorns in Trump’s side and snakes in the grass. But it is already that way.

This would solidify the base and draw the pacifist left over, and bring the whole festering thing to a head. Perhaps he’s waiting for the right timing, but too much it seems Trump is trying to play the middle.

It is widely believed that Reagan/Bush in the ’80 campaign had backchannels to Iran to prolong the hostage crisis until Reagan won. The ’79 Islamic revolutionaries hated Carter for harboring the sick Shah of Iran, and went along with the program. Of course, no one bothered to investigate that.

Ted Kennedy asked the Soviets for election help in ’84 which later was exposed from the Soviet archives.

It may be unseemly, but there is no crime, nothing illegal and nothing treasonous in these acts. We aren’t at war with Russia, and campaign actors aren’t state actors.

If contacts and interactions with foreign powers with whom we are not at war is worthy of investigation, then there are plenty of Republicans and Democrats hobnobbing around with plenty of Saudis, Israelis, Chinese and others worthy of FBI investigation.

Of course, the Comey types who orbit the Bush/Clinton crime families, with their hands in the dark money pools of drug trafficking, human trafficking and the like that get routed through places like Dubai, and the Emirates, and other places, dare not investigate or prosecute these “contacts and interactions.” Those are “conspiracy theories.”

Can Trump overcome this snakepit? “Swamp” is hardly adequate.

He is either a master of timing or a master of waiting, whiling away time, and trying to toe the middle line and sit on the fence.

But being in the middle has another name for it: being encircled.

Time to break out…