The instantly famous Fearless Girl statue on Wall Street seems pretty transphobic to me. I don’t remember anybody asking that statue which gender pronoun xe prefers. And it seems pretty insensitive to put that statue right in the path of the Wall Street bull, because bulls don’t care how fearless you are as they’re goring you with their pointy horns. Plus, the statue is just free advertising for a Wall Street investment firm. Down With Capitalism!™
But then again, people seem to like the statue. They can pose for pictures next to it and tell themselves they’re doing something important. People like to feel important. I suppose it’s harmless enough.
Not everybody thinks so, though! Nick Fugallo and Max Jaeger, NY Post:
City sculptor Alex Gardega — seething over the Fearless Girl statue being placed across from Wall Street’s Charging Bull — has decided to retaliate with a work of his own.
Gardega created a statue of a small dog, titled Pissing Pug, and his sloppily crafted pooch takes direct aim at Fearless Girl — or, at least, at her left leg…
“I decided to build this dog and make it crappy to downgrade the statue, exactly how the girl is a downgrade on the bull,” said Gardega, who has never met the other statues’ creators.
Yeah, sure, guy. You meant to do a bad job with your little statue of a dog peeing on somebody’s leg. Your work looks amateurish on purpose.
Gardega insists he’s insulting cynical Wall Street PR stunts, not insulting women. Seems like he’s doing both, but whatever.
So, which Wall Street statue will be (ahem) erected next? You know they’re not going to let this guy get the last word, or imaginary stream of dog urine, or whatever. Maybe somebody can make a statue of a cat getting ready to claw the dog’s balls off. The cat could be wearing one of those Pussy Hats, because nothing is too on-the-nose in 2017. That would really strike a blow against toxic masculinity and male tears and all that stuff.