Conservative Activists Target Maddow Advertisers

Kerry Picket Political Reporter
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Conservative activists decided to turn the tables on liberals and target advertisers of popular MSNBC host Rachel Maddow.

Following a Media Matters campaign that led to an advertiser boycott of Fox News host Sean Hannity, the Media Research Center (MRC) and Media Equalizer countered with a campaign against the liberal Maddow.

Media Matters published the list of Hannity’s advertisers to pressure the host after he raised suspicions about the murder of Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich that critics panned as conspiracy theory. Hannity lost over a handful of advertisers after the list was posted.

Media Equalizer returned the favor Tuesday and published the list of Maddow’s advertisers.

“To counteract these fascistic tactics, #StoptheScalpings has decided to fight fire with fire. As long as Media Matters continues to attack conservatives, we will return them the same kindness,” Melanie Morgan writes at the Media Equalizer.

The post continues, “#StopTheScalpings is part of the Media Equality Project, a new organization launched by Brian Maloney and Melanie Morgan, two longtime talk show hosts, political and media analysts. The DNC, mainstream media, George Soros, and Media Matters for America, deemed Sean Hannity’s pursuit of the facts too close for comfort. In an effort to protect their ilk, and the secrets they keep, they have created a false narrative. They have defamed Hannity’s character, his work and political positions.”

Additionally, Media Equalizer will post what they describe to be some of the most incendiary and conspiratorial statements of Maddow and others.

“So the thought PC police is worse than anything I’ve ever heard from any conservative at a level that is so vile and despicable that that’s going to be that’s all coming out soon,” Hannity told his audience.

In a statement Wednesday, MRC founder Brent Bozell tweeted that his group is monitoring news shows and will put “media’s advertisers on notice” if they perceive attempts at a liberal “smear” campaign.

“The radical left’s efforts to silence conservative media by targeting their advertisers in therewith coordinated smear campaigns has gone unanswered, and today is the day the conservative movement fights back,” Bozell wrote in a statement.

“Every network and cable news channel is today on notice that the MRC will be closely monitoring their leftist opinion programs and informing their advertisers and the American public when these programs and hosts go beyond political commentary and engage in smear, hate and political extremism,” he added.

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