The Mirror

‘Joe And Mika Are Off Today’: A Common Refrain At MSNBC


Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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“Joe and Mika are off today,” MSNBC “Morning Joe” offspring Willie Geist announced Tuesday. He began that refrain Monday. He says his TV parents will return to the show on Thursday.

So what gives?

The newly engaged couple took off work when President Trump declared war on Mika Brzezinski‘s chin. They take off most Fridays. And now they’re off again — unpredictably on the week after a huge breaking news weekend in which all hell broke loose in Charlottesville, Va. and three people died.

Not to mention the nation’s potential war with North Korea, possible military action in Venezuela, more shakeup chatter in the West Wing and Trump’s delayed reaction to white supremacists and neo-Nazis.

But more importantly, Joe Scarborough‘s music career is blowing up. MSNBC Prez Phil Griffin told Vanity Fair  that Joe is — severe eye roll —  “so creative it’s almost disgustingly.” Spin isn’t so sure about that. “It’s pretty bad,” wrote the mag’s Andy Cush. For some reason Vanity Fair feels the need to suck up to Scarborough and Brzezinski so profoundly that reading a story about them in there could make a person physically ill.

But whatever you want to say about Joe’s music, he’s releasing an EP this Thursday at a free concert at The Cutting Room in  Manhattan. He says he’ll release new songs each month for four years. He reportedly has 400 songs he has written in total. “I’ve got a hell of a lot of songs to get out there, so I’ll be releasing them in waves,” he said in a writeup on The Cutting Room website.

Geist announced on Tuesday morning’s program that the couple will return Thursday, which means Thursday is going to be one long ass day for them. Which means Friday they’ll likely be … on vacation?

The Mirror wrote a MSNBC publicist for comment on the matter.

On Monday, after the pair didn’t turn up on their own show after a giant weekend of news, I went on Twitter and mentioned the fishiness. People were not kind. “Seriously where the fuck were they today?” asked a female viewer. A male watcher replied, “In the Hamptons, fighting the good fight.”

During a recent appearance on CBS’s “Late Night With Stephen Colbert,” Joe and Mika danced around their formerly cozy relationship with Trump, Joe performed and Colbert told Mika that Joe’s leaving “Morning Joe.” Mika didn’t disagree. Joe said he isn’t going anywhere except by Mika’s side.

So far, the network hasn’t announced any plans for Joe to leave his morning news program.

What else is Joe up this week while he’s not working at MSNBC?

Yeah, shopping.