Warner Bros is planning to remake “Lord Of The Flies” into a movie that promises to stick to the fundamentals of the original book except with one minor tweak.
It’s an all female cast, and it’s written and directed by two males.
An all-girl Lord Of The Flies is by far one of the stupider ideas for a movie, and I’ve heard about the recently proposed Anti-American Sniper.
And in a rare and surprising turn of events, the internet actually agrees with me.
Guys I know we’re all upset about LORD OF THE FLIES but it should make my all-human adaptation of ANIMAL FARM easier to sell.
— Jessica Ellis (@baddestmamajama) August 31, 2017
uhm lord of the flies is about the replication of systemic masculine toxicity
every 9th grader knows this
u can read about it on sparknotes https://t.co/EQFyuSA3MV— froy (@froynextdoor) August 31, 2017
— Gavia Baker-Whitelaw (@Hello_Tailor) August 30, 2017
I’m not sure what the directors were thinking. That it would be fun to watch girls for an hour and a half in limited clothing on an island? That every movie featuring boys should also include a separate girl version – just to make it fair? In that case, Christopher Nolan better get started on an all female Dunkirk.
Whether this movie is a grasp at gender equality or cheap way to generate buzz is beside the point. The fact of the matter is this already exists.
Now, my new Twitter friends can say this wouldn’t happen to an all-female group on a remote island because girls are superior blah-blah-blah. I’ve heard it all a million times.
That’s flagrantly false. Although I myself haven’t spent much time on a remote island, I did spend four years in high school as a girl. And the savagery in high school rivals, if not surpasses, that of a remote island.
In high school the claws come out, island or no island. Girls in high school have got it all: civic disorder, conflicts, and hierarchies, and even violence. I’ve seen a girl get bullied about the flavor of yogurt she brought to lunch. I’ve seen trash cans thrown. I’ve seen screaming, crying fights over which girl gets to hang out with another girl on Friday night. And if these directors think they need an island to bring out this level of savagery, they must not have gone to high school.
Besides, movies like this already exist. Ever heard of Mean Girls? Look up the descriptions for Mean Girls versus Lord Of The Flies. The summaries are basically the same.
This isn’t an issue of feminism, equality, or living in the bubble that “women aren’t savages.” Yes, women are. It’s just in a different way. We don’t need to debate this on the big screen for an hour and a half.
If these directors want real savagery, I suggest they lace up their converse and skinny jeans and march on over to their local high school. It’s guaranteed entertainment for a lot less money.