“Friday Nights Lights” is leaving Netflix, and I couldn’t be more distraught.
FNL was one of the greatest shows to ever hit television. The story of a small Texas town obsessed with football was one of the most captivating experiences we’ve ever seen played out of the course of television season.
It also gave us Coach Eric Taylor. Coach Taylor was essentially America’s father figure. That guy could whip up a motivational speech in seconds, tear down a character to make them feel like nothing and he never quit.
Lets also not forget about Tim Riggins. Our favorite beer drinking fullback was the best friend every guy has in his life. A man’s man who loves his beer, women, sports and his friends more than anything else.
Riggins even went to jail to protect his worthless brother and his family. That’s a true hero move.
It’s going to suck not having FNL on Netflix to grab a couple episodes on a random day, especially considering it is now football season. It was one hell of a run, and at the end of the day that’s all we can ask for.