Rush Limbaugh said Wednesday Judge Roy Moore’s victory over President Donald Trump’s pick, Sen. Luther Strange, in the Republican Senate primary Alabama was really about the power of “Trumpism.”
“The voters were consistent here. They [media] are saying that Trump’s influence is over. No. No. No. What it means is — Trumpism is bigger than Trump,” Limbaugh said on his radio show. “The people in Alabama saw Trump endorse the wrong guy… they are invested in Trump. They are more so invested in Trumpism. Without Trump, there isn’t any Trumpism.”
Limbaugh told his audience that Moore was “more of a Trumpster than Trump’s pick was and that’s always been the case.”
The talk show host noted that voters saw past the Strange endorsement.
“This vote had nothing to do with Trump’s endorsement and had everything to do with the voters of Alabama realizing what is necessary to give Donald Trump the tools that he needs in the House and in the Senate to move his agenda forward.”
Limbaugh explained the president’s strategy in endorsing Strange from the beginning as a way of garnering Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s favor.
“He endorsed the loser because at the time it happened, he was trying to buy appeasement with Mitch. Trump frustrated in trying to get his agenda done in Washington. He thought he would try appeasing Mitch McConnell. I knew it wasn’t going to work,” he said on his radio program. “But what the drive-bys are missing here is that the voters of Alabama knew exactly what was at stake here and sent an insider packing.”
Limbaugh pointed to other “insiders” alluding to leaving the Senate — including Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker — because of the Trumpism movement.