Quote of the Day:
“I don’t think he was telling the truth at his confirmation hearing in January. I don’t think he’s telling the truth today. Let me clear that this is not personal.”
— Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) on Attorney General Jeff Sessions in an appearance on MSNBC’s “Last Word” with Lawrence O’Donnell Wednesday night. He was reacting to Sessions testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Sen. Bill Cassidy‘s (R-La.) pronunciation of Mika Brzezinski on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” Thursday: “My-Kha.” When asked if President Trump has ever lied, Cassidy told her Trump speaks in hyperbole. Mika then concluded the segment with an eye roll, clearly outraged at the senator. “I understand completely,” she told him. She and fiancé Joe Scarborough then joked that three-year-olds could play in spaghetti sauce — with their feet — and someone could tell Trump it was health care legislation and he’d believe it. “THAT was a profile in courage,” she cracked sarcastically of Cassidy.
“To show little girls everywhere they can go from lowly staff assistant to ambassador to the Vatican by having affair w/a powerful married man.” —Cheri Jacobus, a PR consultant, TV pundit, reacting to a story in The Daily Caller about Callista Gingrich being confirmed as Amb. to the Vatican.
Howard Stern on Pervy Harvey Weinstein
“If I was Harvey Weinstein, I’d wear a burqa and I’d say, listen, you don’t have to look at me.” — radio shock jock Howard Stern during an appearance on ABC’s late show with Jimmy Kimmel Wednesday night. He also called him a “big fat guy.”
Weird confessional.
“My search for the perfect mouse for my big clumsy hands continues.” — Tom Nichols, professor, Naval War College.
Montel invites himself to Sen. Hatch’s office to talk Cannabis
This is a Twitter convo.
Montel Williams, ex-talk show host: Impressed by and grateful for @OrrinHatch’s leadership on cannabis reform. His is a strong conservative position.
Sen. Hatch’s Office: Thanks Montel!
Montel Williams: I’d be honored to come see Senator Hatch in DC, or in Utah with respect to cannabis. @jonfranks can help coordinate – jon@montelmedia.com
NBC’s Megyn Kelly: The Latest
US Weekly: Megyn Kelly‘s NBC coworkers are being really supportive. Yeah, really! See here.
Jezebel: Story gets 10 anonymous anchors from around the country to weigh in on Megyn Kelly’s new “TODAY Show” hour on NBC. What I learned: Megyn Kelly is not Ellen DeGeneres. Megyn Kelly needs a grace period time to figure out how to be Megyn Kelly. She’s trying too hard. The show is a mess. She’s too hard to relate to. End the show now. See here.
“My favorite Cruz debate was lip booger Cruz debate.” — Katie Leach, social media writer and producer at The Washington Examiner.
The Name Dropper
“I had lunch today with our mutual friend Alan Alda.” — MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell to his guest Walter Isaacson, president and CEO of the Aspen Institute.
Journo shows off his lapel pin
Joe Perticone writes for Business Insider.
Not enough people have noticed my lapel pin today in the Senate pic.twitter.com/S88bm4rhpk
— Joe Perticone (@JoePerticone) October 18, 2017
Tabloid/Gossip Roundup
NYP‘s Page Six: The Mooch allegedly loses speaking gigs because of his thoughtful and sensitive Holocaust poll. Of course he denies it. See here.
The Blast: Comedian Chelsea Handler ditches Netflix show, blames election for “galvanizing” her.
BuzzFeed: “11 Things Your IT Person Is Tired Of Hearing.” One is “Hey, you busy?” See here.
HuffPost: When ex-FNCer Bill O’Reilly goes low on Twitter, CNN’s Jake Tapper kicks his ass. It’s actually pretty funny. See here.