More disturbing accusations are coming out against political analyst Mark Halperin.
The Washington Post published an extensive piece late Thursday night about Halperin’s alleged activity.
The Post reports in part:
The alleged conduct ranged from relatively trivial unwelcome contact — grabbing and holding women’s hands, for example — to inappropriate late-night phone calls and aggressive and repeated sexual propositioning. Several of the accusers recounted episodes in which he rubbed his erect penis against them — a claim specifically denied by Halperin in an interview. One woman said he appeared wearing only an open robe when a young campaign operative was summoned to deliver information to his hotel room.
The Post also quotes a young ABC News employee, Dianna Goldberg, who says he told her to sit on his lap multiple times.
What kind of person invites a young campaign operative to his room, and proceeds to traumatize her by only wearing an open robe? Is this standard practice for alleged sexual weirdos and predators everywhere? It’s not just limited to Halperin. Harvey Weinstein has been accused of pulling essentially the exact same move. You know you’re doing something wrong if you’re being lumped in with accused serial predator Weinstein.
Most guys who want to pursue a certain women do it the normal way. Dinners, drinks at the bars and other regular stuff. Halperin and Weinstein would probably be shocked to learn stuff of that nature works sometimes. What we don’t do is expose ourselves to unsuspecting women while wearing bathrobes.