
AWKWARD: Chuck And Nance Get Testy [VIDEO]

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Justin Caruso Contributor
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Sen. Chuck Schumer and House minority leader Nancy Pelosi shared an awkward exchange today when holding a press conference on the Republican tax plan.


Pelosi said, “I’m pleased now to welcome back to the House side and yield to the distinguished Democratic leader of the Senate, Chuck Schumer.”

Schumer walked to the podium and said, “Thank you, Nancy. When I was in the House, and Ron was in the House we didn’t have such a fancy room here, we had that little place up on the third floor–which I inhabited regularly.”

Pelosi then poked fun at Schumer, saying, “Camera shy as he is…”

Schumer, however, did not look so pleased, and responded, “We don’t need any… add ons here Nance.”

Schumer then began his statement, saying, “We’re still poring through the fine print of the Republican tax plan. One thing is crystal clear. This plan is a tax burden that ought to be on the backs of the wealthy and the biggest corporations…”

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