
Roy Moore Takes On The Swamp

swamp Shutterstock/Pierre Jean Durieu

Shaun McCutcheon Plaintiff, McCutcheon v. FEC
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After weeks of negative headlines and even backlash within his own party, Roy Moore is anything but “toast.” While Sen. Jeff Flake — Arizona’s deeply unpopular Republican senator who recently popularized the phrase — is seeing his career implode, the former Alabama chief justice still has a good chance to win a Senate seat on December 12th.

Recent data from CB Polling shows Moore leading Democrat Doug Jones by about two percentage points. The same polling firm claimed Moore and Sen. Luther Strange (R-AL) were in a dead heat on the eve of the Alabama’s Republican primary election. We all know how that turned out: The former Alabama Chief Justice cruised to a nine-point victory, despite being outspent 5-to-1 by the Washington establishment.

Now the swamp vows to undermine Moore again. No politician epitomizes the establishment more than Sen. Mitch McConnell, the Republican from Kentucky who has urged Alabama’s Republican Senate candidate to “step aside.” Moore hit right back, emphasizing that McConnell “has failed conservatives and must be replaced.”

Moore is right. If Sen. McConnell has his way, Alabama will send its first Democrat to the U.S. Senate in over two decades. Moreover, Moore’s defeat would jeopardize any chances of passing pro-growth tax reform and cutting taxes on the middle class. Because several establishment Republicans may vote no on their party’s tax bill, Senate leadership needs an Alabama Republican like Moore to vote yes.

Our president recently put it best: “We don’t need a liberal person in there, a Democrat, Jones. I’ve looked at his record. It’s terrible on crime. It’s terrible on the border. It’s terrible on military. I can tell you for a fact we do not need somebody who’s going to be bad on crime, bad on borders, bad for the military, bad for the Second Amendment.”

My fellow Alabamians, heed his words. Doug Jones is a page out of the Barack Obama playbook. Not only was he an Obama delegate in 2012, but Jones also supports abortion rights and transgender bathrooms. It’s no surprise he’s been endorsed by the left-leaning League of Conservation Voters, which has praised Jones’ unwavering support for “clean water and accessible public lands.”

Most recently, Jones has come out against President Trump’s proposed border wall, siding with illegal immigrants over American citizens. His reason? The wall is supposedly “too expensive.” Since when is border security a matter of cost?

Even worse, Jones argues that the Second Amendment has “limitations,” pushing for broader gun control at the expense of law-abiding American citizens. But the people of Alabama know better, and they’ll prove it on Election Day. Alabamians know that true freedom has no limitations.

Does Sen. McConnell? Do other establishment Republicans?

A vote against Roy Moore is a vote against the Trump agenda, which secured nearly two-thirds of the vote in Alabama last year. Nationwide, 63 million people put their faith in President Trump. Jones is antithetical to his “America First” vision.

That Moore is even competitive now speaks volumes. For weeks, the liberal media has made its anti-Moore agenda a top priority, running story after story on unproven sexual assault allegations. Liberal columnists have smeared Moore as a “pedophile,” while purportedly objective reporters have criticized his alleged “prejudices against Catholics, Muslims, atheists, and immigrants.”

Once again, the liberal press is trying to manipulate an election and tilt the playing field in favor of Democrats. Ignore the noise: Roy Moore is not the villain the mainstream media—and mainstream politicians—have made him out to be. He is a loyal Republican who will help enact the Trump agenda Alabamians overwhelmingly supported in 2016. Any Republican saying otherwise is a Republican in name only.

This December, I will stand with President Trump and vote for Roy Moore. You should too.

Shaun McCutcheon is an electrical engineer and successful plaintiff in the 2014 Supreme Court case McCutcheon vs. FEC.