
When Sanders Was Asked If Roy Moore Is Fit To Serve, She Lit The Rest Of Congress On Fire [VIDEO]

Benny Johnson Columnist, Viral Politics
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When Sarah Sanders took the White House briefing room podium Tuesday, she was most likely prepared for a lot of questions about Roy Moore.

It took president Trump a number of weeks to officially endorse the controversial Alabama Senate candidate. Moore has faced a series of sexual misconduct allegations during his candidacy. However, Moore is now back up in the polls and the White House and RNC are supporting his candidacy. 

Yesterday, in a phone call, Trump told Moore “Go get em, Roy.”

Sanders was asked at least a half dozen questions about Moore during the briefing, yet one question in particular wondered if Moore, who is “accused of sexually abusing a teen girl” was a preferable Senate candidate to a “Democrat.”

The reporter asked:

You said the president would want somebody in the Senate that supports his agenda versus something that does not. I want to clarify. Is it the White House’s position here that it’s worse to have a Democrat in that Senate seat than somebody that is accused of sexually abusing a teen girl?

Sanders said “We find the allegations to be troubling…” before being interrupted by the reporter and asked again, “Why did the president endorse?”

“[Trump] does want people that support his agenda,” Sanders said, “He’s not going to obviously support a Democrat.” Then Sanders leveled both barrels at Congress in regard to sexual misconduct. She said:

“I think if that’s our standard, then we need to look at a number of members of Congress that have had allegations brought against them that are still in office.”

Sanders was referring to the growing stream of sexual misconduct allegations against sitting members of Congress. At least six members from both parties, House and Senate, have varying allegations of sexual misconduct surface or resurface in recent weeks.

Democratic Michigan Congressman John Conyers resigned just this morning.

Watch the exchange below: